Kirikkale Milli Egitim Müdürlügü - Kirikkale, Turkey province, directorate of national education, are responsible for organizing the educational activities and the other actions related to increasing the education quality. They are responsible for adult education, to open the courses for adults to train them. The institution is divided to different departments like assignment, public education, culture, education, research and development, computer network.
My organisation aims to provide adults with ways to develop their skills and knowledge, keeping them mentally fit and
potentially more employable. It serves not only learners in adult education, but also the teachers, trainers, education staff
and facilities that provide these services.
In general context our institution will participate in to the activities to realize Life Long Learning principle. Our institution is giving service to 57000 students with 3100 teachers. In addition to these normal schools we have more than 5 schools for only students who need special education. Besides our institution is responsible for supporting the families who have handicapped children financially.
Our institution is giving in service training services to teachers to develop themselves in their fields. lt arranges seminars
and courses to people in disadvantaged area in order to help them to develop themselves and to find jobs. The institution
will share knowledge and experiences about the project subject.
Our staff is interested in the LLP and we as the staff aim to make lifelong learning opportunities more widely known and available to citizens by the help of our project’s mobilities. By presenting our cultural values, traditions and customs to the other partners in the project, we’ll provide our relationship related to the European citizens with a cultural bridge and thus both our learners and our partners’ learners can improve themselves from the cultural aspect and the community will begin to socialize by the help of finding out the other cultures.
Universidade dos Tempos Livres (UTL) - Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal Universidade dos Tempos Livres - UTL (University of Leisure Time) is an institution dependent on the city council, who offers general non-formal education for adults involved on the popular development, counting with almost 1.200 learners and 70 teachers.
Since 2002, its official opening, our main goal is to promote a healthier lifestyle and quality of life on our target population: adults and senior. As the great challenges of 21st century are, precisely, dependent on the formation of its citizens, we should act, thinking in our own local dimension as a platform of citizenship, promoting a pacific coexistence thanks to formation in ethic and civic values, on the respect for plurality, increasing representative and participative mechanisms of quality.
So, our institute should promote a pacific coexistence; foment a formation in ethic, civic and healthy values; practice the respect of plurality; increase participative mechanisms of quality and, since diversity is inherent in our city, it’s urgent to
promote harmony and balance between identity and diversity, preserving community’s contributes and the right that all of them have to be recognized from its cultural identity.
In this context and in order to facilitate access to formation in different levels – personal, social and professional – our classes are distributed among 5 different delegations of UTL spread by the county. With this decentralized measure, we can reach more people and decrease the tendency to social isolation, a fact measurable by the growing acceptance and adherence to classes.
The need to diversify our offer, it is justified in the follow of an educational model appropriate to adult that, in one hand, seeks occupy leisure time and find a formation according to their objectives and needs, promoting an active citizenship. So, currently, we’re offering 39 different classes, grouped in departments: Technologies (TIC), Arts and Crafts (painting, embroidery, decorative arts, etc.), Physical Education (including yoga and different types of dance), Music (where is teached guitar, drums or piano) and Languages and Sciences (covering different languages, local history, citizenship and the modern world, nutrition and dietetics, etc.).
Though student population is becoming more heterogeneous, covering more age groups, we continue to observe that we’re most wanted after retirement – in order to occupy those free times that, suddenly, appear.
Bit Schulungscenter Nfg. GmbH & Co KG - Graz, Austria
www.bitonline.ccThe bit group started in 1986 with their first company in the area of IT trainings. In 1993, Management Training was added
and in 2000 the business fields were expanded to include Consulting and e-Learning. With this broad range of services,
large product portfolio and high level of flexibility, the bit group has established itself as an innovative and effective partner. An impressive 25.000 training days and more than 15.000 e-Learning course participants per year have made the bit group
the biggest private training provider in Austria.
bit group is a complete provider of high quality, solution oriented training and qualification services and projects.
bit consciously focuses on projects concerning the topics:
- Human resource development
- Labour market policies and activities
- General training and continuing education
- Occupational training
- and learning and teaching with new media
CREA centro per la creatività educativa social cooperative society - Oristano, Italy
www.creaeducazione.itThe Center CREATES was born in September 2004 from the experience of a group of professionals from various parts of
Italy, with the aim to offer Educational Services, counseling and development of community and social mediation to groups
and bodies active in school and in the Health Services Partner.
Specifically CREA:
- deals with Families through advisory services to individual or couple, courses and seminars aimed at parents, dialog groups for parents;
- works with schools through training courses for teachers according to specific requests from schools or advice on specific cases
- realizes spaces advice or supervision for territorial educational services. These can be enabled upon request by public bodies or cooperatives that manage the services themselves
- organizes training courses for social workers and educators on issues related anorexia, hyperactivity, on how to conduct groups of parents ...
Pontus Iuventae Foundation - Budapest, Hungary
www.iuventa.huThe Pontus Iuventae Foundation was established on 8th July 2005. The Foundation is a non profit organisation which aims to organise projects for youngsters and adults.
The Organisation is located in Budapest but has its operations for the whole country. The Organisation has no connections to any political parties, therefore the possibility to participate in our projects are open for everybody. Since the establishment the Foundation has organised more than 20 international projects, mostly within the Youth in Action programme (youth exchanges, volunteers) and Leonardo. During these projects the organisation has sent more than 100 Hungarian young people/adults abroad for longer or shorter periods of time.
Starostwo Powiatowe w Bedzinie - Bedzin, Poland
www.powiat.bedzin.plBedzin District Office is a local authority. District of Bedzin consists of 8 communes situated in the central part of the Silesian Voivodship (about 70 km far from Cracow). As a local government the District of Bedzin is responsible for the implementation of the educational tasks included in the Act about Local Government:
- planing and supervision of schools in the scope of finances and organisation,
- administrative and financial support of the high schools and special schools for mental and physical disabled children, which are located in the District of Bedzin,
- organisation of the conferences and workshops for teachers and headteachers,
- funding of the educational tasks implemented at schools,
- care of the infrastructural develompment of schools (thermo-modernisation, refits etc),
- cooperation with universities and public authorities,
- disemination of the high schools in the Silesian Voivodship,
- organisation of events aimed on the integration of the disabled children with the society.
schools at their innovative educational activities.
Stakliškiu vidurine mokykla - Stakliskes, Lithuania
www.stakliskiuvm.puslapiai.ltIn Stakliskes Secondary school we teach pupils aged 7-19 and there are 12 grades, 242 pupils altogether. Here work 27 teachers and 24 persons of personel.
Our school is a rural school located far away from the district centre. The school is situated in a rural area with underdeveloped economy and low economic activity of the population. In many ways our school is not only an education provider for our students, but it is also a development centre with social, cultural and informative functions for all local community.
We were taking an active part in different national and international projects and activities. We have found the experience of participating in different projects so motivating and rewarding for our students and teachers that we decided to participate in Grundtvig project that will involve not only teachers, but all personell working in the school, also student’s parents will take an active part in it.
Asociatia Ecomond - Horezu, Romania
ECOMOND Association, is located in Horezu Town, Valcea County, a region that preserves intra traditional values and tries to perpetuate them to the young generation. Horezu is at the heart of the valley which characterizes a community united in its linguistic, cultural and traditional features. Traditional pottery, wood crafts, fabrics represent values Association Ecomond help to promote those values, encouraging the preservation of tradition and valuing manufactured products with a lot of hard work by locals. They are interested in learning about other cultures, to take part in a European project and to know other people with the same interests. The adults enrolled in our organization are preoccupied with discovering the new methods of teaching and learning from their fields and applying them in their teaching.We want to participate in local project and encourage life healthy, tradition and youth and adult involvement.
Aims and tasks:
- To implant new forms of education.
- To make more effective the organization of education of students with special needs.
- To developing informal education.
- To strengthen the responsibility of the teachers for the quality of education of each student.
- To modernize educational process.
- To organize civil, cultural, artistic, educational activities.
- To participate in various projects.
- To train the skills of healthy lifestyle.